Saturday, April 26, 2008

Bye, bye, bye

I leave India tonight and it's a little bittersweet.  I have to admit that I didn't enjoy my time in India as much as I thought I would, but I definitely have some great memories and met some great people.  But, I am excited to be going back to Vietnam, where I can enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables (cholera be damned!) and enjoy food that doesn't make my mouth burn for hours after the meal.  More so, I am excited for returning to the states.  It's been close to 15 weeks now and I can't believe that I have been gone this long.  However, I know that once I return, I will have to face the real world and my perpetual to-do lists will undoubtedly expand and grow. 

I'm in Chennai/Madras for the day and spending the day shopping and buying souvenirs for people.  My itinerary is that I fly to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, then back to Saigon! 

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