Friday, January 30, 2009

Green (or brown) thumb

So, I'm planting a garden. Albeit, it's all in containers and all on my balcony. However, that doesn't mean my ambitions aren't high. So far, what I have is an herb garden which includes peppers, oregano, cilantro (all of which I planted from the seed), lemongrass, mint, regular basil, and Thai basil. And yes, it's probably too much for one small pot to handle, but it's all that I have. I meant to get one of those berry pots, but I got lazy and cheap.

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I also have the lemon tree, which I just bought and am so so excited about that it's bound to disappoint. Lastly, I just potted a pot full of bulbs that I got free with an order of seeds I bought online. I have no idea how to plant bulbs and I'm sure it's way too late to plant them, but I have done so nonetheless.

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Also, if anyone needs any herb seeds, please just ask. I have tons. Well, not tons, but if they were plants they would be tons!

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