Saturday, September 19, 2009


Second year of residency is definitely tougher than first year.  People ask you questions and you're expected to know the answer.  People ask you to do things and you're expected to know how to do it. 

The trade-off is that yeah, I get to do a lot of stuff, which, for the most part, is fun.  (Yeah, I realize that sentence has an overwhelming number of commas.)

However, that trade-off is that when you do a lot of stuff, some stuff is bound to go wrong.  And that's the stressful part.

Now I'm scared to do another c-section.  I'm sure I will get over this.  But either way, it's not a great feeling, to go from doing something that you love so much to being afraid of it.  I understand that this is all a part of the training process, learning to deal with complications and surgeries that don't go as planned, but nonetheless, it adds piles upon piles of stress. 

I just had to get that off my chest.  It's been a tough going, but it will pass soon, I suppose.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Toe in the water

I went on a date today.  It was my first date in longer-than-I'd-like-to-admit.  And it was one of the worst dates I have ever been on.  It lasted only an hour and a half and I thought it lasted an eternity.  I didn't know how to end it.  It was terrible.  To make it weirder, I think he was the gayest straight man I have ever met.  Not that there's anything wrong with being gay (channeling that Seinfeld episode now).  Just that I would prefer not to date a gay man. 

All's well though.  I got some Sam Adams Summer Ale on my way home.