Monday, August 31, 2009


I hate dictating charts.  It's the bane of my existence.  I am still at the hospital as I am typing this and still dictating charts.  My lips are becoming chapped.  My neck hurts.  I hate dictating charts. Have I mentioned that yet?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Liberal Lion

The Senate has lost an icon. 

And to imagine, I almost worked for him (through a contact I made selling my furniture on Craigslist... but that's another story for another time). 

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I {heart} Julia

Some quotes from Julia Child while watching the chicken episode:
"You can tell that this chicken is of legal age" - talking about how to tell a roasting chicken from an old hen.
"Now's the time for a butter massage!" - how everything is better with butter.
Just had to share.

Watching Julia

So, I have nothing else to do on a Sunday night other than watch public television (no, I do not have cable).  Alas, who is on public television except Ms. Julia Child herself.  As I'm mesmerized by watching her make omelettes (without a cooking utensil, to boot), I realize that she's cooking on an electric stove.  Electric!  Now I can't give the excuse of a poor electric stove to explain away my cooking.

Getting outside

Point Reyes 042

Last weekend, I eagerly stepped out of the flourescent lights of the hospital and into the bright sun. My friend, C, organized an outing to Point Reyes, to hike the Alamere Falls trail. I have to admit that at first, I wasn't very eager because I knew it would be my only day off in over 2 weeks and all that I really wanted to do was sit at home and veg. However, given my new resolution, I jumped right at it.

As a side note, as I looked at this description of the trail, I realized that it was a trail that I had been searching for since college. Back story is that when I was going out with this one guy, we went hiking with some friends to this beautiful trail. I had no idea where it was other than in Marin County. I had no idea what the name was. All I knew was that it had a waterfall on the beach at the end. And alas, I found it!

Point Reyes 026

Point Reyes 009

Swept away

30 - Thunder Hole

When I was in Maine, I had the chance to go to Thunder Hole several times, enjoying the non-thunderous sound of the waves. Apparently, I should have waited until a hurricane was called. Kinda sad.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


To be truthful, I have been neglectful of nearly every aspect of my life in the last month or so besides work.  Life as a second year is tough and when I get home, I'm lucky if I don't collapse on my sofa and watch tv for the rest of the night.  I haven't been cooking.  I haven't been swimming.  My apartment was such a mess that I was stressed out when I thought about it.  I hadn't done laundry in a month.  My mail was stacking up.  My "garden" is a mess and in desperate need of repotting (but the lemons are doing wonderfully). 

So, tonight, to get myself out, my friend T and I went to see Julie and Julia.  It was a good movie, kind of light entertainment and upbeat.  What I didn't expect, and maybe should have, was to be inspired.  I was inspired to branch out in my life.  To keep on pursuing those outside interests that keep me, well, me

I know that it seems silly, especially to those who haven't gone through residency, but it is hard to maintain a sense of self when you spend 80 hours a week serving others and bending to the will of others. 

My new resolutions: to work out more (which would mean working out at all), to cook more (no more CSA = no more veggies to force me to cook), to get back to exploring the south bay, and last, but not least, to go back to updating the blog. 

Also, to learn how to poach an egg.