Starting residency feels like I'm learning how to walk. I have to learn people's names, procedures on how to get anything done in the system, how not to have people pissed at me, and, on top of all that, actually practice medicine. It's more than just a little overwhelming. Frankly, after my first call night, I was thinking, "How am I ever going to survive this for FOUR years?" However, after much thinking and talking, I have calmed down and now think that, yes, I can do it.
It's really hard to really explain what residency is like to someone who has never gone through it. Truthfully, I never understood what residency is like until now, and I have only experienced one week of it. I realize now that with the fun of residency (i.e. delivering babies), I also have to do the not-so-fun stuff (i.e. dictating, writing orders constantly, etc).
However, I have to say that however hard it is, I am happy at the hospital I have chosen. They are endlessly nice and are really into teaching me how to become the best doctor I can become. Seriously, people have been so patient in dealing with my slow knot tying or showing me how to find the form to do X. It's hard for me to imagine myself in their position and knowing what they do when they ramble off, "The chances of a patient with X of contracting Y is Z, according to the study written in 1990 by Dr. A at University of B." I don't know how people do it, but they never cease to amaze me in the way that I think, "I want to be that when I grow up." Maybe one day, I will.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
So, so tired
Woke up from my slumber at 3PM today and could barely wake up. Seriously. Then, got going and stuff, and thought I was ok. However, got into my car and drove to my parents' house, only about 40 minutes, and my exhaustion just hit me like a freight train.
It's 9:48 AM
And I just got home from call. Will promptly go to bed. Can hear the wheels in my head turning as I am thinking. I think my legs will fall off. So, so tired.
Good night.
Good night.
Trial by fire
Today is my first day on call. It's also my first delivery x 4, so far. It's also 2 in the morning and I'm wide awake, thanks to 2 Diet Cokes and lots of patients. I'm scared for when I'm the only intern on the floor. Ergh!
I was scared before residency started about being able to do stuff, what to expect, etc etc. Yeah, I'm still scared. Just a different scared because now that I'm doing stuff, stuff might happen.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
That's computer talk for yippeee!!! I have internet at my apartment! Thanks to my neighbor, who is letting me hop onto his internet, and to my good friend Horace, who navigated through the electronic gunk to get me into the modern age.
Can you believe that I haven't had internet in nearly 2 weeks? And that I survived? And I don't have cable on my tv, which means that all I get on my tv is fuzzy nbc and abc (which isn't too bad once you get used to it). So, for the last two weeks, the only noise in my apartment was my radio. Looking back, it kinda felt like I was in the radio age and sat by the radio while eating dinner, sitting in my apartment, cleaning, etc.
But now that era has ended and I have entered the 21st century - just 8 years late.
Can you believe that I haven't had internet in nearly 2 weeks? And that I survived? And I don't have cable on my tv, which means that all I get on my tv is fuzzy nbc and abc (which isn't too bad once you get used to it). So, for the last two weeks, the only noise in my apartment was my radio. Looking back, it kinda felt like I was in the radio age and sat by the radio while eating dinner, sitting in my apartment, cleaning, etc.
But now that era has ended and I have entered the 21st century - just 8 years late.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Apologies are in order
I'm sorry for not being more diligent in updating. I have lots of ideas for posts, but just haven't gotten around to writing them. Also, I have yet to get internet in my apartment (if you call it that... more like a glorified closet). Some posts that I'm thinking of writing: conflicts of interest in medicine, the presumptive Democratic nominee, etc etc.
Oh, today was my first day of internship. Don't worry, I haven't actually touched a patient yet. More so, just signed a lot of papers, and probably my soul. Among the things I signed: a sexual harassment pamphlet, a piece of paper saying that I don't want to give up my benefits, applied for life insurance and assigned beneficiaries, decide which funds to put my deferred compensation money in (percentage yields have no significant for me other than bringing back painful memories of chemistry lab).
Tomorrow is another exciting day of orientation. I think I get to see patients on Thursday. We'll see. That's when the women of the south bay need to be on high alert... I am coming for them!
Oh, today was my first day of internship. Don't worry, I haven't actually touched a patient yet. More so, just signed a lot of papers, and probably my soul. Among the things I signed: a sexual harassment pamphlet, a piece of paper saying that I don't want to give up my benefits, applied for life insurance and assigned beneficiaries, decide which funds to put my deferred compensation money in (percentage yields have no significant for me other than bringing back painful memories of chemistry lab).
Tomorrow is another exciting day of orientation. I think I get to see patients on Thursday. We'll see. That's when the women of the south bay need to be on high alert... I am coming for them!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Feeling accomplished
I have been in my apartment all week, trying to get my life in order before it falls apart again (aka "residency"). I have been shopping, buying stuff, and assembling furniture. A lot is to be said about furniture you have to assemble. First, it's cheap. Second, it's cheap. Third, it's actually quite fun. You feel a sense of accomplishment after assembling a coffee table, a bookcase, or a dining table (all of which I had done in 2 days). Then, after breaking a sweat in 90 degree weather, I can jump into the pool (yeah, I have a pool, and it's right outside my apartment, tempting me on a hot day).
Also, in all of my shopping this week, I managed to go to IKEA not once, but twice, and on consecutive days. I also managed to divulge a little in consecutive days of IKEA's swedish meatballs. Yummy.
But now I am at my parents' home (no longer my home), getting ready to take family to San Francisco for the day and then a family bbq tomorrow. Another yummy.
Also, in all of my shopping this week, I managed to go to IKEA not once, but twice, and on consecutive days. I also managed to divulge a little in consecutive days of IKEA's swedish meatballs. Yummy.
But now I am at my parents' home (no longer my home), getting ready to take family to San Francisco for the day and then a family bbq tomorrow. Another yummy.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
All moved in
I'm all moved in and have already put together a bookcase. I actually love assembling furniture for some reason. Maybe it's the feeling of accomplishment afterwards.
In adjusting to my new apartment, I have been to the following stores:
- Lion Food Market, my default Vietnamese grocery store.
- Safeway
- Wal-Mart (twice!)
- Costco
- Marshall's
Today, I will go to:
- Trader Joe's
- Marshall's, again
- Home Depot
- Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
Yes, lots of shopping. My thing for the day: I can't believe how expensive can openers are! I tried to find one and every single one I saw was like $9-$10! For a can opener! Who knew?
Ok, I'm off. I don't have internet at home yet, so it might take awhile for me to be back.
In adjusting to my new apartment, I have been to the following stores:
- Lion Food Market, my default Vietnamese grocery store.
- Safeway
- Wal-Mart (twice!)
- Costco
- Marshall's
Today, I will go to:
- Trader Joe's
- Marshall's, again
- Home Depot
- Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
Yes, lots of shopping. My thing for the day: I can't believe how expensive can openers are! I tried to find one and every single one I saw was like $9-$10! For a can opener! Who knew?
Ok, I'm off. I don't have internet at home yet, so it might take awhile for me to be back.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Moving on up
Tomorrow I move to my studio in San Jose! Ahh! I'm actually not minding the move part - but more dreading the unpacking part. Ergh.
For my last night at home, I watched Bridget Jones' Diary. Great movie, but just reminds me how long it's been since I've been on a date! Double ergh.
For my last night at home, I watched Bridget Jones' Diary. Great movie, but just reminds me how long it's been since I've been on a date! Double ergh.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Riding along in my automobile... er, I mean bike
I went to San Francisco to go bike riding with my dad this afternoon. It was a great afternoon with great weather and some unbearable, but still somewhat doable, famous San Francisco hills. We started out at the conversatory of flowers and ended up at the beach, and rode up to the Cliff House restaurant and to see the baths. Really great stuff. Will put up pictures tomorrow. Til then, I will rest my aching bones.
Monday, June 9, 2008
have finally gotten photos up online from my travels and from graduation. Yeah, yeah, I know it's been awhile. However, you all know that patience is a virtue and we all want to be virtuous people.
A selection of photos follows. To check them all out, go to my flickr page.
Sunset over the pool in Vellore, India.

Soccer/cricket field in the Vellore Fort, Vellore, India.

Me, at a nuoc mam (fish sauce) factory. Yes, it's very smelly.

Megan and I in Halong Bay. This is after I wrecked my knee and I'm on the verge of tears behind this smile.

A monk at Angkor Thom in Cambodia.

Sunset in Halong Bay, Vietnam.
A selection of photos follows. To check them all out, go to my flickr page.
Sunset over the pool in Vellore, India.
Soccer/cricket field in the Vellore Fort, Vellore, India.
Me, at a nuoc mam (fish sauce) factory. Yes, it's very smelly.
Megan and I in Halong Bay. This is after I wrecked my knee and I'm on the verge of tears behind this smile.
A monk at Angkor Thom in Cambodia.
Sunset in Halong Bay, Vietnam.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Looking for love, or just an apartment
I hate apartment hunting. I always forget how much I hate it until I have to do it, which was rare until the last year (whereby I lived in 2 apartments in 8 months in Washington, DC and then another 2 apartments in 4 months in Boston). Most recently, I was looking for an apartment in San Jose. I scoured craigslist (which you all know, or should know, I have a secret affair with) for a decent apartment. I wanted to live by myself, but found a one bedroom to be out of my price range. So, I started looking at studios and 2 bedroom apartments to share. The thing about looking for a 2 bedroom apartment or a room in a 2 bedroom apartment is that describing yourself to your potential roommate can sound much like a personal.
What my "about me" sections usually read like (brackets are added in): I'm a 27 year old professional female [because my name sometimes confounds people] who is non-smoking, doesn't do drugs, and clean [cause I need the same]. I have excellent credit and personal and rental references if necessary [this is be "in" with landlords and managers]. In terms of what I like to do in my free time, it includes reading, doing anything outdoors, cooking, etc [shows that I'm well-rounded, have outside interests, and, quite frankly, the coolest person in the world]. However, I'm probably not going to be home much because I will be working 70-80 hours a week [so they don't think that I will be sitting around like a lazy ass watching tv all day]. If this sounds like we might get along, I'd love to hear back from you.
Now, tell me that doesn't read like a personal ad. I might as well add that I like long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and love poems written as odes to me (please don't send me love poems, though I will accept dinners and walks on the beach). It actually felt like dating online when this girl emailed me back, saying that she thought we'd be great roommates. Then, I sent her an email back saying I'd love to see her place the next day (I was trying to get all my apartment viewings in one day) and gave her my phone number. She never called or emailed ever again.
What my "about me" sections usually read like (brackets are added in): I'm a 27 year old professional female [because my name sometimes confounds people] who is non-smoking, doesn't do drugs, and clean [cause I need the same]. I have excellent credit and personal and rental references if necessary [this is be "in" with landlords and managers]. In terms of what I like to do in my free time, it includes reading, doing anything outdoors, cooking, etc [shows that I'm well-rounded, have outside interests, and, quite frankly, the coolest person in the world]. However, I'm probably not going to be home much because I will be working 70-80 hours a week [so they don't think that I will be sitting around like a lazy ass watching tv all day]. If this sounds like we might get along, I'd love to hear back from you.
Now, tell me that doesn't read like a personal ad. I might as well add that I like long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and love poems written as odes to me (please don't send me love poems, though I will accept dinners and walks on the beach). It actually felt like dating online when this girl emailed me back, saying that she thought we'd be great roommates. Then, I sent her an email back saying I'd love to see her place the next day (I was trying to get all my apartment viewings in one day) and gave her my phone number. She never called or emailed ever again.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Ode to Tufts
I just realized that my blog has the same colors as Tufts. I never really liked blue and brown, but apparently but subconscious did.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Today is election day and I hope everyone went out and voted! I voted by absentee, so I didn't get one of those cool "I voted" stickers that people in the bay wear so proudly. Oh well.
Bad TV
So, my mom is the master at finding the worst show on television and watching it. Right now, it's "Mobile Home Disaster" on the Country Music Television (CMT) channel. Yes, you heard right, "Mobile Home Disaster." Yes, on the country channel. And no, of course no stereotypes are being perpetuated.
Why am I watching it? Because I'm too lazy to move from my position on the couch. Maybe I deserve to be subject to this torture after all.
Why am I watching it? Because I'm too lazy to move from my position on the couch. Maybe I deserve to be subject to this torture after all.
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